Our coaching course lets every participant discover a coach deep within and spread his/her wings.
Our coaching course rose from our passion for coaching and excelling skills. Thanks to our combined experience we created a course that provides not only a certificate but readiness and competence. Our graduates begin their coaching practice with ease and apply their knowledge in business and other areas of life. In accordance to the principle of coaching responsibility we are obliged to set high education standards being personally responsible for the quality of the training. We guarantee small groups, intensive learning process based on experience, unique coaching tools, care as well as mentoring support during and after training.
Our course is for people who:
- Want to become professional coaches regardless of the field (business coaching, life coaching, family coaching, parenthood coaching, health coaching etc.),
- Are already coaches and desire development and growth to be an active part of the market,
- Are active in the area of human resources management and desire to develop their skills (line managers, higher level managers and HR specialists etc.),
- Work on behalf of other people and are looking for innovative, helpful and effective methods,
- Desire a personal transformation, boosting their self-esteem and maybe desire to become a professional coach.
Access requirements:
- Graduate studies (independent of the field),
- Positive interview outcome,
- Paying a fee.
Course graduates receive:
- Course graduation diploma,
- Coach certificate (after passing final exams),
- Records (in English and Polish) helpful in applying for a ICF or EMCC accreditation.
If you are interested, need more information contact us personally or via e-mail. We will be happy to make an appointment with you.